How do I set up 2-way SSL with WebSocket?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By sockmaster_27

I’m currently working on a multiplayer game that includes a gateway server written in Python and a game server using Godot’s high-level multiplayer. For multiple reasons there has top be a direct connection between these two servers, which would preferably be encrypted, and if that was done by TLS the certificates could double as authentication of the identity of these servers. That means that it would be great if both the (one server acting as) client, and the server could verify each others certificates.
Right now I’m using a web socket connection between these two servers, and this mutual TLS verification doesn’t appear to pose any problem on the Python side, but I can’t seem to find any way to do this with the WebSocketClient that I’m using on the Godot side. Is this possible, or are there other ways to do this?