TileMap navigation offset even tough the area appears right when debugging. Please, help

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Mateu

Hi Godot bros, I made a room with a tilemap adding navigation to the tiles. I have an enemy that follows the player using the navigation. If the room I place the room in the origin coordinates 0,0 everything works fine, the problem comes when I move it. The enemy only moves in the zone that would be the room if it was in the origin coordinates

navigation.get_simple_path(global_position, player.position) I get the path with this function, I use the local player position because the player is a direct child of the main scene, the local and global coordinates are the same.

var distance_to_next_point: float = (path[0] - global_position).length()
	if distance_to_next_point < 1:
		if not path:
	var direction: Vector2 = path[0] - global_position
	mov_direction = direction

I use this code to follow the path and I move it with the move_and_slide() function.

Video on Reddit

Maybe the problem is something with the local and global coordinates?

Help me, please!