Restore Camera2D Limit Smoothed 3.3 Behavior vs 3.4?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Cyanic Cipher

Hey, something I immediately noticed when upgrading to Godot 3.4 from 3.3.3 with my project is that with camera limit smoothing, the camera seems to break those limits and then smooth the movement back into the limits. So instead of behavior where the camera interpolates the position up until the limit, making the movement smooth, but still keeping it strictly within the limits, the engine will allow the camera to go past the limits, and then smooth the movement back into those limits, sort of a “rubber band” effect. Is there any way I can restore the previous behavior where the limits are strictly respected with limit smoothing enabled?

If it helps I am

  • changing the limits on _ready through code
  • Interpolating Zoom with a Tween object