Can System.Buffers be used with C# / Mono?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By default.kramer

I created a new Godot project and wanted to test if the following line of code would work:

using var owner = MemoryPool<bool>.Shared.Rent(size);

At first I got a compiler error because the csproj that Godot created had <TargetFramework>net472</TargetFramework> which is not high enough. I changed it to net6.0 (which I realize might be unsupported). Then I got the following error:

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: System.Buffers.IMemoryOwner`1<!0> System.Buffers.MemoryPool`1.Rent(int)

When I remove the problematic line, Godot is able to run the rest of my code even while <TargetFramework>net6.0</TargetFramework> remains in the csproj. So I’m still not sure whether net6.0 is supported or not.

I tried adding the Nuget packages for System.Buffers and System.Memory but the error remained the same.

My next question was whether I could run this code using Mono without involving Godot. So I downloaded the latest version of Mono from this page (64-bit no GTK) and I was able to compile and run the troublesome line of code.

So now I’m confused. I can’t figure out whether or not I should be able to get this working.

EDIT - It just started working and I have no idea why! But at least now I know it is possible.