Using Set and get with variables to send a signal in c# creates StackOverflowException

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By smavanat

I have a variable health for a bat enemy and I want to set it to maxHealth within a stats node attached to the main bat scene. I am trying to use get and set to see if the bat’s health reaches zero, and then to send out a signal to the main Bat node to destroy itself
Stats code:

using Godot;
using System;

public class Stats : Node
[Export] public int maxHealth = 1;
public int health { get {return health;} set { health = value; setHealth(health);}}

public override void _Ready()
    health = maxHealth;
private int setHealth(int value)
    if(value <=0)
    return health;
delegate void noHealth();

Bat code (getting the signal):

 public override void _Ready()
    area2D = GetNode<Area2D>("Hurtbox");
	area2D.Connect("area_entered", this, "onHurtboxEntered");
    stats = GetNode<Stats>("Stats");
    stats.Connect("noHealth", this, "onStatsNoHealth");

Bat code(Method I want to execute):

private void onHurtboxEntered(Area2D area)
    if(area is SwordHitbox swordHitbox)
        this.swordHitbox = swordHitbox; -= 1;
        knockback = this.swordHitbox.KnockbackVector * 60;
private void onStatsNoHealth()

There are no errors in the IDE, but the engine tells me that the setHealth method in the stats script creates a StackOverflowException error.

Can you try without using QueueFree() ?
Put a GD.Print in there or something.
I think the destroying could cause problems.

juppi | 2022-08-05 13:39

Thanks, but I have found a solution by placing the if statement in setHealth into the set for health

smavanat | 2022-08-05 19:07