Create Custom Tileset

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By MadMelon999

Have you ever wanted to create a custom TileSet for your tilemap? Well here’s how to do it (only the basics though, I don’t know how to use autotile and stuff)! First, set up some basic vars:

 # Cell Size
 const CELL_SIZE = 16

# Collision
  tile_collision =

  var poly_points = PoolVector2Array([Vector2(CELL_SIZE,CELL_SIZE), Vector2(0,CELL_SIZE), Vector2(0,0), Vector2(CELL_SIZE,0)])

  # Region
  const TILE_REGION = Rect2(Vector2(0,0), Vector2(CELL_SIZE,CELL_SIZE))

  # Texture
  null_texture = load(<png that is completely white/blank, with a size of your generic tile size>)

  # Tile Set
  tile_set =

Now use the following function:

func add_tile(tile_name:String, tile_color:Color, tile_texture=null):
""" Create Custom Tile with color"""

# ID and Creation
var id = tile_set.get_last_unused_tile_id()

# Name
tile_set.tile_set_name(id, tile_name)

# Region
tile_set.tile_set_region(id, TILE_REGION)

# Collision
tile_set.tile_set_shape(id, 0, tile_collision)

# Texture (if provided, then use texture, if not, then just modulate a blank texture (aka null texture))
if tile_texture == null:
	# Color Texture
	tile_set.tile_set_texture(id, null_texture)
	tile_set.tile_set_modulate(id, tile_color)
	# Pre-Build texture
	tile_set.tile_set_texture(id, tile_texture)

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