Import Plugin: Reimport and update Bundled resources presenting errors

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Rodrigo (Spy)

I need some advice or guidance on the following issue:

A file (extension .xyz) with several data, including a Sprite Atlas, is being parsed and processed to generate the assets ready to use in Godot using the import system using an import plugin I developed.
The import process executes with no errors, and the Sprite Atlas is saved as an ImageTexture resource and correctly referenced in the imported file. I can use the asset with no issues.
Considering the original image is “imgProject.png” when I update the ‘.xyz’ file in the external editor, the reimport process presents me with the following errors and warnings:

ERROR: BUG: File queued for import, but can't be imported!
   at: EditorFileSystem::_reimport_file (editor\editor_file_system.cpp:1724)
ERROR: Method failed.
   at: EditorFileSystem::_reimport_file (editor\editor_file_system.cpp:1725)

ERROR: Condition "!p_keep_state && has_instances" is true. Returned: ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE
   at: GDScript::reload (modules\gdscript\gdscript.cpp:572)

ERROR: Resource file not found: res://Assets/Resources/Images/ImgProject/spriteSheets/imgProject.png.res::1.
   at: (core\io\resource_loader.cpp:288)
WARNING: Couldn't load resource:res://Assets/Resources/Images/ImgProject/spriteSheets/imgProject.png.res::1
     at: ResourceInteractiveLoaderBinary::parse_variant (core\io\resource_format_binary.cpp:298)
ERROR: Invalid image
   at: (scene\resources\texture.cpp:192)

Why are those errors happening? How can I find out the causes?
Upon reimport, I’m aiming to update the asset’s result already on a scene. I assumed updating the resource file would automatically update the results on the screen.