When I hit this barrier with my vehicle, I want the part I hit to be hit according to the speed of the vehicle.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Gangster53 YT

There is a barrier on the map. When I hit this barrier with my vehicle, I want the part I hit to be hit according to the speed of the vehicle. How can I do it? This is important.

So you want it to move? Use a rigidbody

exuin | 2022-12-10 03:02

No. I want the area I hit to be warped or damaged according to the speed of the vehicle.

Gangster53 YT | 2022-12-10 10:30

Okay, what kind of node is your vehicle? It should have a velocity variable.

exuin | 2022-12-11 21:39

I used RigidBody for my car. I got the speed variable in KM/H unit. “linear_velocity.length() * 3.6”

Gangster53 YT | 2022-12-12 16:01