rpc call seems to be sent, but never reaches the destination, no runtime errors reported

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By ana_rchy

im trying to get usernames working for my multiplayer games (in the sense of a hovering label above each player) for about… a full day worth of trial and error(?) now and still no luck, i usually end up with a result where every player node has the same name as what the client has

i came up with a solution which i thought for sure would work, that being sending an rset on ready if the node is the network master, and if not, call an rpc for a function that makes the master node call rset

using Godot;
using System;

public class Username : Label {
    /* setup */
    private Client UserClient;

public override void _Ready() {
    RsetConfig("text", MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode.Puppet);

    UserClient = GetNode("/root/Server");
    Text = UserClient.Username;

    if (IsNetworkMaster()) {
        Rset("text", UserClient.Username);
        GD.Print("is network master");
    } else {
        GD.Print("is not network master");

/* rpc */

[Remote] public void _RsetForNewPlayer() {
    if (IsNetworkMaster()) {
        Rset("text", UserClient.Username);

but of course, it just had to not work. i noticed that both “is network master” and “is not network master” print fine, but “received” is never printed

so the only conclusion i can make of this is that rpc is broken in some way, or i somehow fucked it up, im not sure. all i know is its never received and thats been causing me a migraine for the past few days. any ideas why or how to fix it?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: ana_rchy

i found the fix. add a sleep before calling rpc/rset in ready, to make sure that the node youre trying to rpc to actually already exists on the other client

on c#, use System.Threading.Tasks and run something like this in an async function to have a sleep function await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));