Is there documentation on how scale relates to size parameters of basic mesh objects?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By alexp

I was playing around with cubes, just trying to put them in a series of contiguous rows. I made a scene called TerrainBlock that is just a cubic MeshInstance with scale (1,1,1). I would have thought that the side length is 1, so adding 1 to one axis of the previous cube’s position would put them adjacent to each other, but what I observe is that the cubes overlap. Putting them 2 apart seems to achieve the desired effect. It seems like the scale refers to a “radius” (i.e. half side length) in each dimension, but that was unexpected.

Is there any documentation about how the other primitive meshes are parameterized?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jgodfrey

I’m not aware of any explicit documentation that describes the default primitive mesh objects in any detail (might be good to have). However, you can easily throw a few such objects into a scene an take a look at the results of something like the following, which should be the size of the bounding box for the specified item.


When the above MeshInstance is the default CubeMesh, the result of the above is indeed [2, 2, 2] as you note above.

Additionally, there is some basic 3D unit info on this page:

(though, again, not specifically the details you’re asking about).