Which multiplayer system to choose for a game made in Godot?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By roma

Which multiplayer system to choose for a game made in Godot? Such, where the server (which will be played by the most powerful computer among the players who want to play together) processes everything, and on the client I simply show everything and send which keys are pressed. Is there a better way? Or if this method is good, is there any example?

It depends how complex you are prepared to make it, and whether you trust your clients. If you trust the clients, then you can keep it simple and make it pseudo “peer-to-peer” as described in High-level multiplayer — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English . Here, all clients sort of run their own instance of the game, with the server controlling certain aspects.

If you don’t trust your clients, then you need to implement client prediction and interpolation and a whole bucketload of complexity. An old but good description of this is here: Source Multiplayer Networking - Valve Developer Community (ignore the Source-specific stuff).

SteveSmith | 2023-02-02 10:37