Using MultiplayerSpawner with multiplayer authority

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By sygi

I read this tutorial on scene replication. I would like to do something similar, where I have:

  1. two users who join a lobby one after another
  2. each user has authority over its respective player (not just the input, like in the tutorial)
  3. replication of the player across users (each user controls their own player)
  4. synchronization of some of the properties of the players

I managed to achieve this goal by following this sketch:

class players
func _ready():

func add_player(id: int):
  var character = preload("res://players/player.tscn").instantiate()

class UI
func _on_joining_lobby():

and player scene having a Synchronizer. I don’t like it, as it relies on doing the spawning manually (the character is created on joining lobby and then I explicitly add its copy when the peer connects): this makes it harder to use the “spawn” functionality on the synchronizer, as it only seem to trigger when the spawn happens through the Spawner.

Is there a way to achieve that behavior with the MultiplayerSpawner? Is there a better way at all?

I tried to replace the extra spawn on connection with a Spawner but then it complains about the change of the node’s authority, even if I do it in enter_tree (and also seems to only trigger for the server user, presumably due to Spawner/players’s authority itself).