I have a vehicle body in Godot4 with its wheels' roll influence set to 0 but the vehicle still flip over

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Hoshi

I have a vehicle body in Godot4 with its wheels’ roll influence set to 0 but the vehicle still flip over. I assume this should prevent it from the tooltip’s instruction but It didn’t. Am I missing something? I am using godot 4.0 stable.

Video: roll_influence.mkv - Google Drive

Sorry for the low quality video, I dont have a beefy setup

I also Have the same Issue…

xxJonakAdiptaxx | 2023-03-15 08:50

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: wearedough

Setting the roll influence to -1 for all wheels solved the rollover issue for me. Don’t know yet which side effects this might have though.