why the procedural-generated dungeon 3d i wanna create does not appear ? do i need create tiles/walls one by one ?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By edwardjoe214

extends Node3D

var dungeon_size = Vector2(30, 30)
var cell_size = 2.0
var wall_material = preload(“res://materials/Wall.tres”)
var floor_material = preload(“res://materials/Floor.tres”)
var door_material = preload(“res://materials/Door.tres”)
var floor_mesh_data
var wall_mesh_data

func generate_dungeon(size, fill_probability, smoothing_passes, smoothing_threshold):
var dungeon =
var count
var nx
var ny
for x in range(size):
for y in range(size):
dungeon.append(randf() < fill_probability)

for i in range(smoothing_passes):
	for x in range(size):
		for y in range(size):
			count = 0
			for dx in range(-1, 2):
				for dy in range(-1, 2):
					nx = x + dx
					ny = y + dy
					if nx >= 0 and nx < size and ny >= 0 and ny < size:
						count += int(dungeon[nx][ny])
			dungeon[x][y] = count >= smoothing_threshold

return dungeon

func smooth_dungeon(dungeon):
var new_dungeon =
for x in range(dungeon_size.x):
for y in range(dungeon_size.y):
var wall_count = 0
for dx in range(-1, 2):
for dy in range(-1, 2):
var nx = x + dx
var ny = y + dy
if nx >= 0 and nx < dungeon_size.x and ny >= 0 and ny < dungeon_size.y and not dungeon[nx][ny]:
wall_count += 1
if wall_count > 4:
return new_dungeon

func create_dungeon_meshes(dungeon):
for x in range(dungeon_size.x):
for y in range(dungeon_size.y):
if dungeon[y] == 0:
var wall_mesh = BoxMesh.new()
wall_mesh.scale = Vector3(cell_size, cell_size, cell_size)
var wall = MeshInstance3D.new()
wall.mesh = wall_mesh
wall.material = wall_material
wall.translation = Vector3(x * cell_size, 0, y * cell_size)
var floor_mesh = PlaneMesh.new()
floor_mesh.scale = Vector3(cell_size, cell_size, cell_size)
var floor = MeshInstance3D.new()
floor.mesh = floor_mesh
floor.material = floor_material
floor.translation = Vector3(x * cell_size, -cell_size, y * cell_size)

		if x > 0 and dungeon[x-1][y] == 0:
			var door_mesh = BoxMesh.new()
			door_mesh.scale = Vector3(cell_size, cell_size/2, 0.1)
			var door = MeshInstance3D.new()
			door.mesh = door_mesh
			door.material = door_material
			door.translation = Vector3(x * cell_size - cell_size/2, -cell_size/2, y * cell_size)
		if y > 0 and dungeon[x][y-1] == 0:
			var door_mesh = BoxMesh.new()
			door_mesh.scale = Vector3(0.1, cell_size/2, cell_size)
			var door = MeshInstance3D.new()
			door.mesh = door_mesh
			door.material = door_material
			door.translation = Vector3(x * cell_size, -cell_size/2, y * cell_size - cell_size/2)

func _ready():
# Generate the dungeon map
var dungeon_map = generate_dungeon(50,0.45,2,5)

# Smooth out the dungeon map
dungeon_map = smooth_dungeon(dungeon_map)

# Create the floor
var floor_mesh = MeshInstance3D.new()
floor_mesh.mesh = floor_mesh_data # assuming you have loaded the mesh data elsewhere
var floor_material_copy = floor_material.duplicate()
floor_mesh.material_override = floor_material_copy

# Create the wall meshes
var wall_mesh = MeshInstance3D.new()
wall_mesh.mesh = wall_mesh_data # assuming you have loaded the mesh data elsewhere
var wall_material_copy = wall_material.duplicate()
wall_mesh.material_override = wall_material_copy

for x in range(len(dungeon_map)):
	for y in range(len(dungeon_map[x])):
		if dungeon_map[x][y]:
			var wall_instance = wall_mesh.duplicate()
			wall_instance.set_position(Vector3(x, 0, y))

why the dungeon not appear ?, for material .tres is still untouched