trying to make weapon sway but it only works along y axis

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By turtilla955

here is all the code

var mouse_mov_x
var mouse_mov_y
var sway_threshold = 1.2
var sway_lerp = 5
var can_sway = true

@export var sway_left : Vector3
@export var sway_right : Vector3
@export var sway_normal : Vector3
@export var sway_up : Vector3
@export var sway_down : Vector3

func _input(event):
	if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
		mouse_mov_x = -event.relative.x
		mouse_mov_y = -event.relative.y
func _process(delta):
	if mouse_mov_x != null and can_sway == true:
		if mouse_mov_x > sway_threshold:
			rotation = rotation.lerp(sway_left, sway_lerp * delta)
		elif mouse_mov_x < -sway_threshold:
			rotation = rotation.lerp(sway_right, sway_lerp * delta)
			rotation = rotation.lerp(sway_normal, sway_lerp * delta)
#this is the part that does not work:
    if mouse_mov_y != null and can_sway == true:
        if mouse_mov_y > sway_threshold:
        		rotation = rotation.lerp(sway_up, sway_lerp * delta)
        elif mouse_mov_y < -sway_threshold:
        		rotation = rotation.lerp(sway_down, sway_lerp * delta)
    		rotation = rotation.lerp(sway_normal, sway_lerp * delta)

one axis does work but the other does not, how can i fix this?