How do I set all Input Map Actions to how they were at the start of the game running?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Gurfy Person

I have a game where you can set keybinds in a menu, play the game, and use a main menu. When you set keybinds, it looks like the old ones are still there which makes sense, so you can have two buttons for the same action, your old keybind and your new one. This doesn’t fix until you exit and reenter the game (the keybinds are stored in a json file). I want to know how I can set all Input Map actions or just one action back to the keybinds it was at the start of the game. I don’t want to completely clear it because some actions can be done with the mouse and also the keyboard, and you can set keybinds for the keyboard but not the mouse (I know it doesn’t make much sense). Simply put, I want to:

  1. Take all keybinds and set the to how they were at running the project.
  2. Set keybinds to the new ones.

I cannot figure out how to do step 1.