Properly loading nested resources

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Yozzik

Hey Guys.
In my project I have a MapPath:

extends Resource
class_name MapPath

@export var id: String
@export var name: String
@export var links: Array[MapPathLink]
var active_link: MapPathLink

Also MapPathLink:

extends Resource
class_name MapPathLink

@export var id: String
@export var name: String
@export var origin: MapPoint
@export var destination: MapPoint

And a MapPoint:

extends Node2D
class_name MapPoint

@export var id: String
@export var town_data: Resource

MapPoints are present on the scene, but MapPath is not set from the beginning. My problem is that when I set a MapPath, it has MapPointLinks, but their origin and destination variables are null.

func set_path():
	current_path = load("res://tres/map_path/mp_001.tres")
	current_path.active_link = current_path.links[0]

To me it looks like MapPathLink resources are being loaded before the scene and thus can’t reference any MapPoint. I can set origin and destination to String and put there and then just search for an instance, but I’m sure there is a better way.
I just don’t know how to do it properly. Can anyone please help?