Applying Shaders to draw_rect in Godot: Elements Turning White Instead of Applying Shader Effects

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By crossbito

Hi, I have the following issue.

I’m using _draw to draw a draw_rect with specific colors, but it seems that the different shaders I create transform what I drew into a solid white color. What should I do to apply shaders to draw_rect? I see a lot of information on how to apply shaders to textures, but I can’t find how to apply a shader to something created with draw_rect.

Here’s a shader example that flashes, for instance. It works if I use it on a sprite, but not on elements created with draw_rect. It just turns everything white.

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float blink_speed = 2.0;  // Blink speed
uniform float blink_amplitude = 0.5;  // Blink amplitude

void fragment() {
	float time = TIME * blink_speed;
	float blink_value = abs(sin(time)) * blink_amplitude;  // Calculate blink value between 0 and blink_amplitude

	// Original color of the object
	vec4 original_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);

	// Color with red tint
	vec4 tinted_color = vec4(original_color.rgb + vec3(blink_value, 0.0, 0.0), original_color.a);

	COLOR = tinted_color;

I appreciate any help in resolving this issue. Thank you!