How do I determine which methods need to be implemented in a GDExtension class that's still abstract?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By vikinghelmet99

I’m attempting to extend MultiplayerPeer right now, starting by building a Nullary copy so that I know that the editor is properly seeing my extension and allowing its use. I’m not totally new to GDExtension, but I am a little at a loss here, as my NullaryMultiplayerPeer extension is showing up as abstract, and I’m not sure how to figure out why it’s abstract.

I think I’ve implemented all of the pure virtual methods, but clearly I’m wrong about something.

Is there a way to determine what still needs to be implemented, or get a more detailed description of the problem?

If it helps, I’m developing on Linux Mint and have all of the terminal tools usually used with C++. I’m not used to building libraries directly, and am very new to SCons.