LightOccluder2D scaling seems to have no Effect, Is that intended?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Phil_Meyers

LightOccluder2d resized in the TileMap-Scene seem to be always full sized, when tile ist used in another scene.
Here my TileMap Settings:
Scaling off:
The LightOccluder2D is scaled 1,1 the OccluderPolygon ist custom made just for that one Tile.

Scaling on:
The LightOccluder2D object is scaled down to fit the part of the Tile that i want to occlude light. The OccluderPolygon is reused many times.

And here the visible effects:
Scaling off:
The shadow is cast as expected. Only the part of the Tile cast the shadow.

Scaling on:
The shadow ist cast by the full tile, event though i resized the LightOccluder2D so it does not block the whole tile.

Hence my question: Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong? If so how to fix it?