How to uniformly scale some UI elements

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Roman

In my app I have several UI elements in this kind of hierarchy

     - ScrollContainer
            - HBoxContainer1
                  - Label
                  - HSlider
            - HBoxContainer2
                 - HSlider
                 -  control1
                 -  control2

I’m able to use the size flags to properly fit and center the elements.
However, some controls (especially the sliders) are too small. On mobile devices with 1920x1080 screen, I can barely grab the slider’s thumb.

I could change the scale in the rect settings, but this doesn’t work when I use some parent container (like ScrollContainer/HBoxContainer) to layout the children. In this case the scale has no effect and it’s reset to (1, 1) when I change the size flags.

I would like to be able to scale some elements, but still use the layout containers to make them properly fit to screen.

I’m not sure if I’m explaining this clearly, but I guess I’m searching for something like Unity’s Canvas Scaler component.

How do you usually do this in Godot?

Thank you