Mobs Don't Spawn (or spawn invisible) and player disappears randomly mid game (Dodge the creepsl)

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By khal2furious

So i am new to Godot but i am trying to learng how to make a my first game. I am having issues with the dodge the creeps game. when running the game I dont see any enemies but the timer is counting and i am walking around. a few seconds in, the player disappears but the timer continues (leading me to believe the enemies are invisible but there is no game over message).

One thing to mention before looking at the code, all mobs have been changed to zombies. so whenerv you see zomies that means mob n the case of the dodge the creeps game. if you could explain it to me in zombie, it would be better so I dont get confused.

I code for everything so far is below:

extends CanvasLayer

signal start_game

func show_message(text):
$MessageLabel.text = text

func game_over():
show_message(“Game Over”)
yield($MessageTimer, “timeout”)
$MessageLabel.text = “Don’t Touch \nMe”

func update_score(score):
$ScoreLabel.text = str(score)

func _on_MessageTimer_timeout():

func _on_StartButton_pressed():

extends Area2D

signal hit

export(int) var SPEED
var velocity = Vector2()
var screensize

func _ready():
screensize = get_viewport_rect().size

func _process(delta):
velocity = Vector2()
velocity = velocity.normalized() * SPEED
if Input.is_action_pressed(“ui_right”):
velocity.x += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed(“ui_left”):
velocity.x -= 1
if Input.is_action_pressed(“ui_down”):
velocity.y += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed(“ui_up”):
velocity.y -= 1
if velocity.length() > 0:
velocity = velocity.normalized() * SPEED
$AnimatedSprite.animation = “Left”
position += velocity * delta
position.x = clamp(position.x, 0, screensize.x)
position.y = clamp(position.y, 0, screensize.y)

if velocity.x != 0 || velocity.y != 0:
	$AnimatedSprite.animation = "Right"
	$AnimatedSprite.flip_v = false
	$AnimatedSprite.flip_h = velocity.x < 0
#for up of down flipping
#elif velocity.y != 0:
	#$AnimatedSprite.animation = "Left"
	#$AnimatedSprite.flip_v = velocity.y < 0
	#$AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false

func _on_player_body_entered(body):
$CollisionShape2D.disabled = true

func start(pos):
position = pos
$CollisionShape2D.disabled = false

extends Node

export (PackedScene) var Zombie
var score

func _ready():

func new_game():
score = 0
$HUD.show_message(“Get Ready”)

func game_over():

func _on_StartTimer_timeout():

func _on_ScoreTimer_timeout():
score += 1

func _on_ZombieTimer_timeout():
var zombie = Zombie.instance() #create a zombie and add to the scene
var direction = $ZombiePath/ZombieSpawnLocation.rotation
zombie.position = $ZombiePath/ZombieSpawnLocation.position
direction += rand_range(-PI/4, PI/4) #to not only move up, down, left, right (add randomness)
zombie.rotation = direction
zombie.set_linear_velocity(Vector2(rand_range(zombie.MIN_SPEED, zombie.MAX_SPEED), 0).rotated(direction))

extends RigidBody2D

export(int) var MIN_SPEED #min speed of enemy
export(int) var MAX_SPEED #max speed of enemy
var mob_types = [“Zombie”, “ZombieStrong”, “ZombieFat”]

func _ready():
$AnimatedSprite.animation = mob_types[randi() % mob_types.size()]

func _on_VisibilityNotifier2D_screen_exited():

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Allworld

I had this problem as well. I solved it by checking the animation names in my AnimatedSprite node. There was a mismatch between the names I gave the animation cycles and the ones i listed under var mob_types in my mob script.