Converting a half circular and linear line into a PoolVector2Array for a PathFollow

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By AbstractGameDev

Hello, I have a follow-up question (mentioned in the comment section) to this one:

The solution works, albeit might not be very optimal.

(the question has be rephrased)

I experimented with the idea of drawing a circular and linear line, via the _draw(): function, set its opacity to 0, attempted converting the line into a PoolVector2Array, then apply the PoolVector2Array to a Path2D / PathFollow, then set an object to follow the path. But, I’m not certain how to handle that. It’s a bit more complex, and out of my reach since I’m still learning the optimal way of Godot. I’d honestly rather do that, but apparently I can’t make it work properly.

Any ideas on how to write such a jump function are more than welcome.