When I call Node JS Socket.end() function, and then call StreamPeerTCP.get_status(), it returns STATUS_CONNECTED.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Sphynxinator

Hi. I am coding the procedure of TCP Connection of Node JS. I imported “net” module, I created the server, make it listen a proper port. I assigned “connection”, “timeout” and “data” event to the Net.Socket I captured, If timeout event emitted, the Socket.end() is called. But weird thing is, when I call end(), and Godot cannot put data to the server, Godot still return STATUS_CONNECTED when I call StreamPeerTCP.get_status(). Am I missing something? I wanted to write the code but it is so long.

Edit: I am using NodeJS as server and Godot 3.1 as Client.