How to Update Godot?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By FlamingThunder

Is there a way to update the Godot editor to the latest version from the editor itself or do you just have to download the latest version?

If it’s the second option: How do you get the latest version of Godot to replace the previous version, so that it can run your previous projects? Is that even possible?

For context I am thinking about updating from version 3.1 to 3.1.1

I don’t know about a replace or update functionality but you can just download the newest version and scan your projects folder to relist your projects. I think it should be possible to open 3.1 projects in 3.1.1 but I don’t know for sure.

Jowan-Spooner | 2019-05-19 21:03

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Arkinum

I don’t think (someone correct me if I’m wrong) there is a way to update inside the editor. The Steam version will update just like any other game if you have auto updates enabled.

What I do is just re-download, unzip and use. Click the “scan” button when you launch Godot and browse to find your project at the location you saved it.

I recommend backing up your projects before editing them in a new version (duplicate the whole folder in the directory you saved it, give it a slightly different name for a fast easy way). 3.1 to 3.1.1 shouldn’t have any real consequence, but it’s still better to be safe. If the project was created in an earlier iteration of Godot like V3.0 then definitely back up because you will probably prompted to convert it to the new version and will likely break a few things, especially in script.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Stalf

When you download a new version, you should put it in a different folder and keep the previous one. Godot is not a huge programm on your disk and it would be super easy for you to rollback if for some reason you have a major issue with a newer version.