Godot 3.1, 2D Camera only blocks moving, not following

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By jz2010927

A 2D camera under a kinematicBody2D node.
Current checked

When player hit camera margin, the camera margin stops character like a wall.

Tried to create a new project, set up a very simple scene, only KinematicBody2D, Sprite, Camera2D, and a script only control movement, still…

Anyone know what’s the problem?

The camera can’t stop the character from moving. At best it actually just starts following the player. If you have no reference background it will look like it blocks the player but that’s not true. I’m not sure to understand your problem.

Zylann | 2019-09-17 13:01

Thank you so much for answering my question. I do have a background picture.

I understand you say camera can’t stop character moving, but it does happened, the margin of camera become invisible walls blocks movement.

But after i deleted the parallax background, it go back to normal…

Thank you anyway though, took me 2 days to figure out it’s background’s problem.

jz2010927 | 2019-09-18 05:16

I have this same problem, i add Camera2D to my player (Kinematic body 2D), then i set the camera 2D to current and my player can not move, can someone help me? i do not have any backround, just my player…

Darv1x | 2020-09-19 16:20