How to insert a texture into a part of a sprite?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Matty101

To describe, i want a sprite to be made of multiple images that will change, so each smaller image needs to be placed into the sprites image in set locations.

I’ve got this line


which doesn’t throw any errors, but nothings being changed on the sprite, where as:

Overlay_drag_node.texture = BaseMenu_node.spell_select_img

will change the whole sprite just fine so the references are good, i’m guessing drawtexture() function can’t be used in this way.

i want a sprite to be made of multiple images that will change

May I ask why? Why don’t you simply use multiple smaller sprites and put them right next to each other to form a bigger image?

njamster | 2020-04-12 11:26

I want the image to be scrollable in a smaller window, how i handle that has been by moving the region rect around in the sprite.
Sort of like a world map in a game, the screenspace may not be enough to encompass the whole map so you have a window that lets you drag the map around with the mouse. Adding map locations to the image as they’re found.

That becomes a lot more detailed with more sprites when i should be able to simply insert a texture into a location within another image. Java has a similar method that lets your put an image into another image at x,y position which is why i thought .draw_texture() would do the same.

Matty101 | 2020-04-12 15:42