Always face mouse cursor location using rigidbody

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By djex81

Hello, I’ve been struggling with this for a long time and I hope someone can help.

I’m working on a 3D top down space shooter and would like to have the ship always pointing towards the mouse cursor location while using wasd for forward, backward and strafe side to side. I would like to do this with a rigid-body but can not for the life of me figure out how to properly. I know how to rotate towards the mouse not using rigid bodies but since this is a space shooter I would like to use the physic engine.

I am ray casting down to a terrain layer to find the mouse location then calculating the angle between the ship and mouse location. So my question is how do I properly rotate the ship to face towards the mouse cursor while having it play nice in the physics system?

This is what I currently have for my code (does not work as intended):

public override void _Input(InputEvent @event)
	if (@event is InputEventMouseMotion eventMouseMotion)
		from = camera.ProjectRayOrigin(GetViewport().GetMousePosition());
		to = camera.ProjectRayNormal(GetViewport().GetMousePosition()) * rayLength;

public override void _IntegrateForces(PhysicsDirectBodyState state)
	//Rotate to mouse
	if (from != Vector3.Zero && to != Vector3.Zero)
		Godot.Collections.Dictionary ray;
		ray = state.GetSpaceState().IntersectRay(from, to);
		if (ray["collider"] is CSGMesh)
			Vector3 resultVector = (Vector3)ray["position"];
			Vector3 objectPosition = Translation;
			resultVector = objectPosition - resultVector;

			float angle = new Vector2(resultVector.x, resultVector.z).AngleTo(new Vector2(objectPosition.x, objectPosition.z));

			Transform xform = state.Transform.Rotated(Vector3.Up, angle);
			state.Transform = xform;

	if (Input.IsActionPressed("player_move_forward"))
		AddCentralForce(GlobalTransform.basis.z * speed);
	else if (Input.IsActionPressed("player_move_backward"))
		AddCentralForce(-GlobalTransform.basis.z * speed);

	if (Input.IsActionPressed("player_move_left"))
		AddCentralForce(GlobalTransform.basis.x * speed); 
	else if (Input.IsActionPressed("player_move_right"))
		AddCentralForce(-GlobalTransform.basis.x * speed);
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: djex81

This question was answered on the godot subreddit here: