How to implement virtual joystick for 3d movement ?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Dinoking

I have a kinematic body and I want to move it using a joystick. I have followed Gonkee 's tutorial on how to make a virtual joystick but i am not able to implement it in my 3d project. I just want to have a sphere which rolls around the map, but twist is , we have to move the joy button to opposite side to move in a direction. I have done this much but didn’t help:

for player :

extends KinematicBody

var acceleration = 10
var topspeed = 40
var joystick = get_parent().get_node("Joystick/joystick_button")
var vel = Vector3()
var speed = 30

func _ready():
func _physics_process(delta):
	var target_dir = Vector2(0, 0)
	target_dir = joystick.get_value
	vel.x = lerp(vel.x, target_dir.x * speed , acceleration * delta)
	vel.z = lerp(vel.z, target_dir.z * speed , acceleration * delta)
	vel = move_and_slide(vel, Vector3.UP)

for joystick :

extends TouchScreenButton

var radius = Vector2(16, 16)
var boundary = 32
var ongoing_drag = -1 #-1 represents false and other integers represents different cases of true
var return_accel = 20
var threshold = 10

func get_button_pos():
	return position + radius

func _process(delta):
	if ongoing_drag == -1:
		var pos_diference = (Vector2(0, 0) - radius) - position
		position += pos_diference * return_accel * delta

func _input(event):
	if event is InputEventScreenDrag or (event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.is_pressed()):
		var event_dist_from_centre = (event.position  - get_parent().global_position).length()
		if event_dist_from_centre <= boundary * global_scale.x or event.get_index() == ongoing_drag:
			set_global_position(event.position - radius * global_scale)
			if get_button_pos().length() > boundary :
				set_position(get_button_pos().normalized() * boundary - radius)
			ongoing_drag = event.get_index()
	if event is InputEventScreenTouch and !event.is_pressed() and event.get_index() == ongoing_drag:
		ongoing_drag = -1

func get_value():
	if get_button_pos().length() > threshold:
		return get_button_pos().normalized()
	return Vector2(0, 0)