Is there a way to control the scroll area for Scroll Container ?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By jyxtech

Currently I have the following Node setup

-| VBoxContainer
–| ToolButton
–| ToolButton ← toggled
–| ToolButton ^
–| ToolButton |
–| ToolButton |
–| ToolButton |
–| … v

Have anyone done anything similar or have any idea how or if this is possible to be implemented via scripts?

Whenever I toggled the button, I want to modify the scroll area of the Scroll Container to only scroll the items below the toggled button.

Technically I could add a Scroll Container after the button being toggled by script but it would have been a different scrollbar which I want to avoid if possible.
