Help me for making a 3D bullet system

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.1 Stable


I have a simply bullet system with PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D. My bullet is directly spawning at collision point. But, I want to move the bullet by a speed to collision point and stop it.
(bullet isn’t real)

Here is the code:

func _bullet():
	var c = get_node(cam) # camera node
	var center = c.get_viewport().get_size()/2
	var origin = $ray_begin.global_position
	var ray_end = origin + c.project_ray_normal(center) * bullet_range
	var ray_query = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.create(origin, ray_end)
	ray_query.exclude = [self]
	var ray = get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(ray_query)
	if ray.is_empty():
		DebugGeometry.draw_debug_sphere(10,ray.position, 8, 4, 0.1, Color.ORANGE_RED)
	_debug(origin, ray_end)

func _debug(_p1, _p2):
	DebugGeometry.draw_debug_line(10, _p1, _p2, 0.008, Color.GREEN_YELLOW)

“_bullet()” is calling when pressing the button.

Sorry for my English.