Flip the collision shape

Hello, I’m new to godot and I’m trying to understand it while attempting to create a platformer.

I’m having some problems trying to flip the collision shape of my character’s sword, so that when the character is facing left, the collision shape is also turned left.

I thought about updating the direction of the sword shape along with the character like this, but apparently it’s not working:

@onready var sword_collision_shape: CollisionShape2D = $Sprite2D/WeaponArea2D/WeaponCollisionShape2D


func update_facing_direction():
	if direction.x > 0:
		sprite.flip_h = false
		sword_collision_shape.scale.x = 1
	elif direction.x < 0:
		sprite.flip_h = true
		sword_collision_shape.scale.x = -1

Any tips?

instead of changing the scale.x=-1
multiply the x position of the collision shape with -1 for left, 1 for right
something like

func update_facing_direction():
	if direction.x > 0:
		sprite.flip_h = false
		sword_collision_shape.position.x = abs(sword_collision_shape.position.x)
	elif direction.x < 0:
		sprite.flip_h = true
		sword_collision_shape.position.x  = abs(sword_collision_shape.position.x)*-1